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SoulTree Audio instruments

Digital singers for Kontakt sampler

NOTE: Ariana and Artenor instruments are in their Beta testing phace up to 30 Nov,

and this is why you can purchase them now with a much lower price.


See at the end of this page, what other benefits there are in ordering now!


​Buy Ariana or Artenor - or download a FREE demo


The video below showcases the most powerful feature of the SoulTree Singer instruments - the Lyrixmaster. With this tool you can translate a normal text file into a MIDI lyrics file that enables you to take your keyboard and play music with lyrics!



Play Video
Listen to samples
00:00 / 00:38
​Amazing grace: Ariana and Artenor together - words made with the LyrixMaster app​​
00:00 / 00:11
Over the rainbow:  syllables constructed with SylBuilder​​
00:00 / 00:44
Edward Scissorhands theme:  A ja U -vowels with an orchestra​
See the video introduction in Youtube
(more videos at the end of this page)
Construct vocal tracks in many languages
  • 11 vowels, all with legato slides

  • Over 20 consonants

  • A user-friendly graphic interface

  • Lyrix master app: Write your lyrix with any text editor​​​

Control the sound in realtime
  • Adjustable voice color and softness​

  • Versatile vibrato and tremolo

  • Realistic voice dynamics (loud and soft)

  • Reverb controls for simulating acoustics

  • A powerful harmonizer: up to 5 voices automatically

A revelutionary approach for vocal sample instruments


Isn't it nice that you can record the sounds of acoustic instruments on your digital music software, without having to hire professional musicians to play those instruments? This has been possible for decades... excluding the most sophisticated and expressive instrument of them all - the human voice.


The SoulTree Audio Singer sample libraries aim to fix this problem. While it is never the purpose to replace live singers and musicians with digital simulations, the truth is that most music produced today has been originally composed and arranged with digital instruments - even when the final performance is performed by a live ensemble. When you produce songs or other music involving vocals, shouldn't you have the same ability to make your arrangements in your home studio before you actually take it to your favourite singer!


It took 10 years to do the research for these instruments. In 2020 I submitted my thesis on the digitalisation of the human voice, for the Jyväskylä university of applied science. The thesis received excellent marks. Now this research on phonetics and the human voice has finally given birth an instrument that anyone can use. All you need is the free Kontak player and preferably a keyboard with MIDI connectivity.


When all the vowels and consonants are brought into a user-friendly graphic interface, you can quickly build words and sentences and then "sing" them with your keyboard - or by inputing notes on a MIDI track.

A: Pick the first consonant
B: ... And the first vowel,
C: ... the optional second vowel
D:... and an ending consonant

(Note: When you use the Lyrix master, you can have up to 6 consonants per syllable, not just two!)
E: Here you can choose which syllable to use, add and remove, copy and paste syllables
F: This Mode wheel enables you to control when and how the syllables progress
G: This button takes you to the Harmonizer
H: ... and this brings up the detailed voice controls
I: From here you can active the preset syllables

A versatile but Light instrument

Athought to make all of this work you need a vast number of samples, these instruments are amazingly light, just around 50 Megabytes in size. This means you can stack up several vocal tracks without a powerful super computer. This you can do with your favourite digital audio workstation (DAW), when you use the free Kontakt Player VST plugin. However, you can also use the instruments with the standalone Kontakt player (also free to download from Native Instruments).
With the selection of consonants and vowels at your hand you can produce lyrics in several languages, such as English, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, German... All the vowls come with a realistic legato slide: When you play (or write) notes tightly together, you can hear the voice sliding naturally from one pitch to another. This is an essential feature to simulate a real singer.

How about making a digital instrument of your own voice?

This is a digitally sampled instrument, and it is not supposed to replace a live singer. However, it is good enough to record convincing backing vocals. It's also quite sufficient to record a solo singer or a vocal group to try out different arrangements, styles and lyrics - before you play your recording to  the singers and replace the sample based vocal track with the real thing!
What is special, is that the template used for these two instruments (or four, if you count the Dolce versions) can be pretty easily harnessed to make new instruments with all the same functionality! If you're a singer or know a singer or choir whose voice you would like to be applied for this template, just contact me. I will give you simple instructions for what to record and how (and the necessary backing track to make the job easier).
This is particularly effective for people who compose or arrange for a specific group, because this is a perfect way to make music for them. When you start rehearsing, you already know how your arrangement works with the sound of that group.

Why should you go for the Beta version?

Ariana and Artenor are at the moment in their Beta testing phace. What this means is:
  • You get the instruments at a much cheaper price
  • ​You participate in the testing of the products: Your feedback is important!
  • If bugs or unfunctionalities are found, you always get the fixed version!
  • After the Beta phace has finished, you automatically get the most recent updates
  • You can join a forum, where it's possible to pose questions, share hints, report bugs... you can even suggest improvements and new features!
  • BONUS 1: After the Beta phace, you will receive the Ariana-Artenor Dolce instrument for free - so both singers, even if you only paid for one (Singer or Dolce)*
  • BONUS 2: You will also receive the first major update for your product (normally with an update fee), which ever product you have purchased**

    * Note that Ariana Singer ships with Ariana Dolce, the same with Artenor. The new product combines both voices in one instrument (Bonus not applicable for the free demo version)
    ** Not applicable for the free demo version


​Buy Ariana or Artenor at the SoulTree shop​


The videos below demonstrate the features of both Ariana and Artenor Singer. There are also video clips introducing the Ariana Dolce and Artenor Singer demo versions.

Note that Ariana and Artenor instruments are identical in their functionality, even though it is a different voice and a different face!

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