The "mists of Avalon" photographed from the top of Glastonbury Tor, photo Veli Martin
Song of Avalon
16-23 June, 2025
An international heartful adventure in Sacred England
with Veli Martin Keitel and Michael Schirmer​
Join us on an empowering, heart-opening adventure, to follow the Michael and Mary line that crosses Southern England. This line, already discovered by the ancients, passes through Stonehenge and Avebury, the best known megalithic stone circles in England - but also Glastonbury, the mythical isle of Avalon.
According to the legends, Avalon was the home of King Arthur, the Holy Grail and the round table of the Grail knights. Today it is widely recognized as the Heart centre of Mother Earth.​​​​​
We have taken numerous groups from Finland to these sites, starting from 2007. This time we are inviting British pilgrims to join - it will complete our Quest as a sharing between people from these two ancient cultures.

Lacock, "the home of Harry Potter"
Our base during the first half of the tour will we the idyllic village of Lacock, in the heart of Wiltshire county. It is a beautiful representative of traditional English countryside architecture and atmosphere, best know as the home town of Harry potter.
From here we will find our way to the attractions of Wiltshire, such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury hill. If we are open to it, chances are that we will receive a crop circle that will resonate with our group specifically. Yes, this has actually happened several times with our previous tours! Traditionally the Avebury region has been a hot spot for crop circle activity.​

During our tour in 2008 we tuned in especially with this formation in Cherhill. Mystically, an addition to this crop circle appeared on the nigth before we visited it. Cherhill is located next to the town of Calne, where Veli's sister Marianne has lived since 2010. She will be our local guide during our visit in the area.

Stonehenge, photo VM
Whilst visiting the sacred ancient sites, we will tune into their energies and their current function through meditation and chanting. Between those visits we will gather together in circles to get to know each other and share our experiences and feelings. You will also receive fascinating information about the history of these sites, tales from the Grail mythology - and how it all relates to Heart Consciousness and the events of our time.

Avebury, photo VM
The last three days we will stay in Glastonbury. There are many places there to visit; the Chalice Well Garden, the mighty Tor mount that rules the Somerset landscape, the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey (which used to be the center of British christianity before the introduction of the Anglican church), the spiritual shops along High Street...
As modern Grail knights our intent is to find balance between the polarities - and important theme today as there is so much division between people and cultures. Can we embrace each others from the space of the Heart, even if our minds don't always agree on superficial matters?

Glastonbury Tor, photo VM
As a journey of the Heart, this is also a quest into the deep waters of our consciousness, our souls. Both as individuals and as a group we have a chance to heal and to extend our healing to the Heart of the Earth.
Welcome to an adventure that will inspire you within and without!
Price £1333 (1595 €)
Includes the full programme, all transports in England, accommodation with breakfasts, entry fees.
For those coming from overseas, flights to England not included.
when you book by the end of February:​
£ 1222
If you only wish to participate the programme:
(you don't need the accommodation and transport)
Lacock and Avebury region 16 - 18 June
£ 295
Glastonbury region 20 - 22 June
£ 295
Full programme excluding Stonehenge
£ 555
(If you would like to join us to Stonehenge, let us know!)
Booking and inquieries:

​Veli Martin Keitel is a musician, choir conductor, rebirthing therapist and a well-known inspirational speaker in Finland since 1997, when he started visiting the Avebury region to study the crop circle phenomenon. During these visits he also went to Glastonbury, where he ended up living in 2008-2009. He is the leading Finnish crop circle expert and his two-part documentary on the topic, CeReal Wormholes, was Jury's choice in its genre at the Laughlin UFO conference in 2005.
He has given hundreds of talks and written numerous articles about crop circles, sacred geometry, Kalevala mytholoy, Christ consciousness, ancient Egypt and many other subjects. As a vocal musician he uses overtone chanting as a transformational tool during breathwork sessions and individual psychic readings, where he also tunes into Christ consciousness.
Veli has experienced occasional UFO contacts since his early childhood. He understands that he has a special connection to the force behind the crop circles, as formations have many times appeared close to his whereabouts, both in England and Finland. He has also received information about the circles in advance through dreams and these things have even happened during his group tours in England.
Michael Schirmer is a pioneering sound healer, Reiki healer and Taiji instructor. He had his major spiritual awakening in 1990, and this is when he moved from a regular career into the world of spiritual matters and healing. In 1992 his path lead him through Findhorn and Iona in Scotland, into Glastonbury in UK. There he learned about the healing power of the sound, and since that moment he has studied and practised this area with several teachers and different methods.
After doing hundreds of healing sessions for people he finally developed his own sound healing method, where overtone chanting is a key element. He realized that overtones open up a passage into higher states of consciousness, enabling a powerful transmission of energy. Since 2003 he has trained people to become sound healers.
Glastonbury has been a continuing inspiration for Michael; he has been there dozens of times and took the first group with him as soon as 1997. His tours along the Michael and Mary lines have been memorable transcending experiences for a large number of people.
In 2007 Veli and Michael joined forces and started taking Finnish groups to Sacred England together. Some of their frequent targets have been Glastonbury, Avebury, Silbury Hill, crop circles, and sites in Cornwall. They have also taken groups to Wales and Scotland. As they are both skilled in overtone chanting, working with vocal sound is a natural tool for them to connect with the energies of sacred sites and acoustic spaces.